COMP 249 (J-X-LAB)
Course Information
- Instructor: Dr. Aiman Hanna
- TA: Beaudelaire Tsoungui Nzodoumkouo
- Replied Id: @beaudelaire
- Lab Room: H-929
- Lab Schedule: We 6:15PM - 7:15PM
- Additional Info: Available here
Lab Guidelines
- No more than 10 minutes late.
- Student ID is mandatory.
- No Pictures of the lab.
- No Googling nor chatGPTing.
- No collaboration.
- No late submissions are accepted.
- Not allowed to attend another lab section.
Purpose of Labs:
- Enhance programming skills, understanding of course materials, and exam preparation.
- Provide assistance with program and assignment-related questions.
- Conduct lab exercises weekly, which must be completed individually and submitted during your registered lab period.
Lab Exercise Details:
- One lab exercise is conducted each week.
- Exercises must be done in-person during your assigned lab period.
- Submit your completed exercise electronically to the correct Moodle folder for your section by the end of the lab time.
Submission and Evaluation:
- Labs must be submitted electronically to the correct Moodle link.
- Lab exercises may not be marked, or only a few may be selected for grading.
- Completing and submitting all lab exercises is mandatory.
- Failing to complete and submit any exercise can result in a penalty of up to 25 marks.
Lab Schedule
Week | Topic | Review notes |
1 & 2 | Review of Classes, Objects & Arrays | - |
3 | Constructors and methods | Notes |
4 | Inheritance | Notes |
5 | Inheritance | (See week 4) |
6 | Abstract Classes & Polymorphism | Notes |
7 | Reading Week | - |
8 | Exception Handling | Notes |
9 | File I/O – Text Files | Notes |
10 | Binary Files | (See week 9) |
11 | Recursion | Notes |
12 | Interfaces and Inner Classes | Notes |
12 & 13 | Generics & ArrayList | Notes |
13 | Linked Lists | Notes |